Can rollerblading help with ice and figure skating?

How Rollerblades Can Help Ice Skaters

Rollerblading, aka inline skating, holds numerous benefits for both less experienced ice skaters and beginners. This activity assists in cultivating balance, enhancing confidence, and even improving overall skating skills. Here's a breakdown of how inline skates such as Fetch Skates can aid ice skaters:

1. Balance and Stance Improvement

A crucial aspect of ice skating is maintaining balance on skates. Rollerblading helps develop static and dynamic balance, providing a solid foundation for standing confidently on ice skates.

2. Agility and Single-Leg Control

Transitioning from basic to advanced ice skating skills demands enhanced agility and single-leg control. Rollerblading challenges balance, coordination, and quick responses, all of which contribute to becoming a proficient skater on various surfaces.

3. Movement Awareness

Rollerblading teaches skaters how to control their movement speed, stride effectively, maintain pace, and execute stops. This awareness translates well to ice skating, enhancing overall control and technique.

4. Stamina and Leg Power

Rollerblading strengthens core muscles, including the abdomen, back, and legs. The effort required for each push and glide engages the core, providing a workout that's essential for maintaining balance and control on ice skates.

5. Boosted Confidence

Rollerblading instills a sense of accomplishment, which in turn boosts self-confidence. This newfound confidence carries over to ice skating, helping skaters perform with assurance.

Rollerblading Drill for Ice Skating Enthusiasts

1. Leg Chains

Master gliding on flat surfaces by rhythmically pushing out and pulling in your skates, creating a chain of O-shaped motions similar to ice skating. Focus on maintaining a hockey stance and balanced weight distribution on both skates.

2. Slalom Turns

Build balance and agility by alternating quick left and right turns while gliding forward. This drill enhances your ability to pivot and shift weight efficiently, vital for ice skating maneuvers.

3. Shuffle Strides

Stride forward with legs shoulder-width apart, leaning slightly forward for a hockey stance. Execute shallow turns by shifting body weight between feet, using ankle movements for precise control.

4. One-Legged Slalom Turns

During left and right slalom turns, lift your inside leg, making sweeping turns. This drill enhances strength and agility, translating well to ice skating techniques.

5. Bouncing Circles

Perform full circles on a single leg repeatedly. This exercise further challenges balance and coordination, critical skills for successful ice skating.

6. Jump and Glide

Alternate turning back and forth while incorporating jumps. This drill builds confidence in striding and quick recovery from potential obstacles on ice.

Rollerblading vs. Ice Skating

While rollerblading and ice skating share similar techniques, it's important to note the differences in surfaces and challenges. Rollerblading provides a solid foundation for balance, agility, and movement control, making it a valuable tool for improving ice skating skills.

Tips for Ice Skating Beginners

For those transitioning from rollerblading to ice skating, remember to:

  1. Keep your head up and eyes forward.

  2. Choose comfortable, well-fitting skates.

  3. Warm up before skating to prevent injuries.

  4. Learn proper stopping techniques.

  5. Start with basic lessons from professionals.

  6. Focus on maintaining a forward-leaning posture.

  7. Practice directional skating to ensure safety.

Remember, the ultimate goal is to enjoy the experience and gradually improve your skills over time.


Rollerblading serves as an effective tool for enhancing ice skating skills. The benefits of improved balance, agility, and confidence gained from rollerblading can substantially contribute to your success on the ice. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced skater, incorporating rollerblading into your training routine can lead to a more enjoyable and fulfilling ice skating journey, and Fetch Skates is here to assist in every step of the journey.


Which rollerblades are best for beginners?